The best fuzz pedals of all time for guitars

Read our reviews of the top 10 fuzz pedals for guitars and buy one of the best fuzz pedals of all time at an affordable price.

Although distortions and overdrives remain the best option for many guitarists. However, there is a range of effects to distort the most extensive and not-so-used signal. Not many people know this, but the fuzz is the direct predecessor of distortion pedals. Compared to any of the distortion modelsfuzz pedals are a little less predictable in terms of sound.

This strange effect was created in the mid-60s and has since been used with varying degrees of popularity. The truth is that the fuzz effect offers a refreshing change compared to standard distortions and overdrives.

What should I look for in a Fuzz pedal for guitar effects?

Fuzz is a hard-to-nail guitar effect and a intense effect. Overdrive and distortion have a lot of room for error, but with the intensity of the distortion of the medium fuzz pedal, it is incredibly easy to spoil. Too serious and no one can hear you; too high and you will end up sounding like a chainsaw that overheats.

Therefore, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should weigh your options carefully.

Top 10 essential Fuzz pedals of all time for guitars

It must be said that the fuzz is perhaps the coolest effect that a guitarist can include in his pedalboard. A sort of “loudly musical” sound fantasy that fits in a little steel box, which itself has often inspired manufacturers. Do you want to follow in the footsteps of Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards, or Jack White? Read these few lines.

Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi

Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi Guitar Effects Pedal review

There are thousands of guitar pedals out there, but very few reach legendary status like the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi. The Big Muff Pi stands for a fuzz pedal, and it is not surprising that it is the most recommended pedal in almost every forum topic «What fuzz pedal should I receive? By owning a Big Muff Pi, you almost feel as if you are joining a club of legendary musicians who have sculpted their sound around them.

This pedal has been present for several decades in almost every stage of the world, and therefore, the incredible performance of this pedal has been tested and tested millions of times.

The Big Muff is not just a pedal that makes noise, it’s something you can mold and work with. Compared to some modern fuzz pedals, the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi is a bit conservative. However, that is what makes it so beautiful. If you are new to fuzz pedals and want a model that does not disappoint you, this is undoubtedly the one you should choose.

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EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Fuzz Guitar Effects Pedal

EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Fuzz Guitar Effects Pedal review

This is another of the best fuzz pedals of all time to buy. After the Big Muff, the next most recommended pedal in our research is the EarthQuaker Devices Hoof. It must be said that only a few managed to create something worth talking about and EarthQuaker did it with his fuzz. This pedal is not only a large Muff Pi clone but has risen to a completely different level. EarthQuaker Devices managed to design a fuzz peal that has all the qualities we love about Muff Pi, more additional reach and more gain.

Hoof handling is simple. It is a very solid pedal, with four knobs: Tone, Shift, Level, and Fuzz. This boutique pedal is handmade in Akron, Ohio, is a true bypass, and is powered by a Boss-style adapter – all the great things.

The Tone, Level, and Fuzz knobs are the same as those found in a Big Muff and act accordingly. The Shift knob is what changes the game here, and makes things very interesting. The Shift control allows you to grab or increase the midrange (to the left for increased media, and all the way to the right for acute media). It is an extremely musical knob and drastically affects the character of Hoof.

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Biyang FZ-10 Fuzz Star

Fuzz guitar The 10 best fuzz pedals effects

If you are looking for a Fuzz pedal, but simply don’t have the money for an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff pedal, you may want to take a look (and very closely) at the Biyang FZ-10 Fuzz Star. This is the best fuzz pedal for less than 50 dollars.

The Biyang Fuzz Star made in China is widely regarded as a Big Muff clone and does the job admirably for half the price. If you’ve seen a Big Muff, or have been reading our reviews so far, the knob design on the Fuzz Star won’t surprise you. You have Level, Tone, and Fuzz controls. There is also a small toggle switch for Normal / Bright / Hot modes. As you can imagine, most of the tone shapes come with the Tone and Fuzz knobs and respond very well to your touch-ups – much like Big Muff.

In both our experience and that of other owners of this pedal, the toggle switch provides a very subtle and discreet effect between the three modes. You can cheer or fatten/obscure the tone of the fuzz, but the difference is not very noticeable. This is rather an extra feature of this pedal.

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Way Huge WHE401S Swollen Pickle MKIIs

Fuzz pedal for guitars effects

This is another great boutique design. This company with a unique sense of humor has offered some of the most interesting guitar effects pedals of recent years.

This pedal has a huge amount of gain, however, Way Huge did not stop there. They had to go one step further and add a powerful filter whose range is beyond logic and reason and that is what gives it an extra touch. If this pedal is treated with some caution, the tone you get will be amazing. You have to try it.

With five knobs, it is remarkable for its ability to shape the sound and grain neatly. “Loudness” acts as volume while “Sustain” acts on the dosage of fuzz. “Filter” darkens or opens the sound. As for the smaller knobs, they play the role of a compressor (“Scoop”) or boost medium frequencies (“Scoop”). The Swollen Pickle scores point by its boldness and assertive character that places it in the courts of the great fuzz pedals of all time. It is not by chance that we saw it on many professional pedalboards.

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Boss FZ-5 Fuzz Pedal

Boss FZ 5 review

This is another of the best fuzz pedals of all time to buy. The FZ-5 of Boss is the only digital pedal in our selection of the best fuzz pedals for guitars. Under its hood, it hosts three emulations of vintage type selectable via the central button: Fuzz Face (F), Maestro Fuzz-Tone (M), and Octavia (O). The restored stamps are not identical to the originals (digital circuit required) but we are dealing with sounds well-typed, sometimes fat, mushy, rich in the treble, rough, etc. 

Analog fans will surely watch this product from the corner of their eye, but other guitarists will be seduced by this offer whose price displayed below the 100 dollar mark is an option to consider seriously.

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Catalinbread Karma Suture Fuzz Guitar Effects Pedal

Catalinbread Karma Suture Germanium Harmonic Fuzz Guitar Effects Pedal

If there is a brand that we love in the boutique segment, it is Catalinbread. These guys know how to do effects pedals and cover all your needs.

The Catalinbread Karma Suture Harmonic Fuzz is a different beast. Its circuits are based on a fairly dark design. The benefits of this approach are best seen in Karma Suture’s ability to enter the territory of jazz without being out of place.

With balanced harmonics, you will get a well-rounded fuzz pedal that sounds like nothing you have seen on the market. This does not mean that the difference is always better, but in this case, it is.

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MXR M84 Bass Fuzz Deluxe Pedal

MXR M84 Bass

Getting good distortions for your bass is not an easy task, so the MXR M84 Bass Fuzz Deluxe pedal makes your life easier by allowing you to adjust a fuzz unit and its response. Many times it happens that some notes tend to oscillate between the real notes and the generated harmonics. So the Bass Fuzz Deluxe can help. It is also equipped with a bypass switch and a Deluxe with rotary controls. The tone control affects the fuzz sound by adjusting things a little rough. The fuzz control adjusts the amount of effect you want to add. In a nutshell, this is a great pedal for low-end dirty sounds.

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Wampler Velvet Fuzz V2

Wampler Velvet Fuzz V2

This is another of the best fuzz pedals of all time to buy. Among the current effects pedal builders, Wampler is one of those who likes to innovate, not content to take the design of another and add something else.

Wampler Velvet Fuzz V2 is a fairly unique pedal that brings a lot of versatility. Unlike many modern fuzz pedals, this one has an old-school taste. It has a medium impact, but it also allows you to shape that gain in a usable way that will work with a variety of musical styles.

Generally speaking, this is not a normal fuzz pedal, and it cannot be compared to Muff Pi clones. Is it worth it? Totally.

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Death by Audio Fuzz War Effect Pedal

Death by Audio Fuzz War Effect Pedal

Finally, we have a fuzz pedal that is raw, wild, and proud of that. Death by Audio Fuzz War takes a very pragmatic approach to offer a marvel of sandy fuzz.

This fuzz pedal contains a lot of gains that are controlled by a set of fairly simple controls. Once you connect your guitar to “this thing”, you will feel the walls shake.

It is fair to say that it takes a while to get a tone that is not too aggressive or too soft. This wild and raw nature is one of the reasons we had to include this beast on the list. Compared to any of the popular fuzz pedals of all time on this list, Death by Audio Fuzz War is presented as a beast to be tamed.

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Fuzz pedals remain with us after so many decades of use. They represent a window back in time when signal chains were much simpler, and guitar tones were much less predictable. Not only do we have the opportunity to reproduce the same models of some of the most legendary guitarists, but we also have a wide range of modern versions that are equally good.

Getting used to a Fuzz takes some time, and you will need to use some delicacy in your tone settings, but the result is too good to ignore. Connecting to a good fuzz pedal will show you why going back to the roots is not always bad.

We hope you enjoyed this little summary with us, you can be sure that each of the selected pedals is simply a purchase that you cannot regret. Now it’s just a matter of seeing your personal needs and finding your perfect partner. Rock and Roll!