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The best AB benches for abdominal workouts

Best AB benches sit up benches for abdominal workouts

We invite you to read our reviews of the best AB benches to have a quality sit-up bench for your home gym.

Abdominal, feared, or loved, these muscles are the primary objective of every athlete and anyone who wants to look and feel good. But we all know that this is a very difficult and challenging workout. Getting well-marked abs requires a lot of work and perseverance. Sometimes, the lack of time makes us not go to the gym as much as we would like. The best solution is to have AB benches or sit-up benches at home. That way you will no longer have an excuse not to exercise.

Therefore, today I will help you find the best AB benches for abdominal workouts that you can have at home. So you can work on this central part of the body, vital to protect our organs and back. I will tell you all its secrets, based on scientific studies, and I will share my five favorite abdominal benches. 

How to choose a good cheap abdominal bench? 

Who would not want to see his abdomen marked? However, the need to exercise this part of the body goes far beyond aesthetics and has to do directly with our health. 

Therefore, it is essential to incorporate abs into your routine and a bench is a great way to end excuses. If you have a space problem in your home, then you can buy a good AB wheel, instead of a sit-up bench. Let us begin, then, to know in more detail this essential fitness equipment.

Why do I need an abdominal bench?

Exercising the abdominal muscles does not require, as we know, special equipment. But the truth is that if you have AB benches, you will be able to obtain several advantages that favor your practice.

This exercise tool, also known as a sit-up bench, allows these muscle fibers to work more effectively, since being inclined (there are flat options too), defies gravity, and that makes the work more intense. 

When working with “gravitational resistance”, the stability of the body in the traditional sitting position is also modified and this increases the work of the transverse muscle. The greater the loss of stability, the greater the thickness of this muscle.

In addition to that, they can make exercise safer for the neck and back. And that’s not all. Therefore, let’s see below all the benefits that this equipment can offer.

Benefits of doing sit-ups

For those who do not have much time to go to the gym, the AB benches can be a useful tool that allows you to perform complementary physical exercises comfortably at home: to tone the belly, train the abs, and strengthen the back muscles that have to support your body.

Versatility and efficiency

As we have said, practicing sit-ups on a bench adds an effort to the movement that makes it more effective, that is, it allows you to obtain more results in less time. In addition, sit-up benches are not only good for the abdomen.

Since many of them are adjustable, they allow you to use them for many types of exercises for the central and upper body, such as the bench press. 

It has been studied how in this type of exercise performed on a weight bench and dumbbells, the different inclinations of the body generate the work of different muscles.

Well, in a similar way, it will happen on an abdominal board, using the different inclinations, not only to exercise your abs but also the upper part with the help of accessories.

For all this versatility, the AB benches are one of the ideal accessories (along with cheap adjustable dumbbells, suspension training straps, and push-up supports) to create a good gym routine, but at home, even create an interval training program.

They reduce the risk of injury

Because they are comfortable, padded, and designed for a secure position, working on these benches reduces the risk of injury. As some studies have determined, different positions, whether seated, curved, with knees raised or feet fixed, activate different abdominal muscles and generate more or less intensity. 

They allow a comprehensive work of the upper body

Because they are so versatile, these AB benches will allow you to work a wide range of muscles such as upper, lower, oblique, rectum, and serratus major. It also activates the upper leg muscles such as the tensor, quadriceps, and rectus femoris.

Studies that have compared the efficiency of abdominal effort with other techniques, showed that the former is much more effective for working deep muscles such as obliques because it generates more activation than other physical practices. 

In addition, with these AB benches, you can also work your chest, arms, and shoulders. 

Just a few good elastic bands or neoprene weights and you will see how much is achieved. Even if you are creative, you can even work your legs, looking for a suitable position and using ankle weights to enhance the result.

Fat and weight loss

As the bench generates greater activation of the internal and external muscles of the abdomen, with the consequent rapid and effective muscle growth, it helps to minimize the gains in abdominal fat.

Since work is more effective on the bench, we must hope that fat and weight reduction are also effective. It will be enough to try it for yourself. I suggest that you start a routine by previously measuring your body fat. 

After a couple of months, as long as you’ve been on a calorie-deficit diet, do the math again and you’ll see the results for yourself. This is because more muscle mass and less body fat go hand in hand.

The 7 best abdominal benches on the market

Before buying the abdominal bench, you need to be sure of your intentions, focusing on the type of training you want to practice to keep fit.

When choosing the tool, it is good to consider which exercises will be performed on the bench: it is important that the body is facilitated in the execution of the movements and that it is not hindered by anything.

Another thing to keep in mind is the quality of the bench, especially its structure: knowing that it will have to support the whole body, the materials used must be stable and resistant.

Also, pay attention to the mechanisms used to lock the bench in different positions: they must be absolutely firm. Below we present the best abdominal benches.

FLYBIRD Adjustable Bench

Flybird sit-up bench is currently one of the best-selling abdominal workout benches at Amazon. This fitness bench is a folding device that offers the possibility of performing various exercises, but above all, it allows many inclinations of the backrest. With this exercise tool, you can model your bench in up to 10 different positions, all adjustable. You can perform your movements and exercises safely.

This Flybird brand bench supports a load of up to 500 lbs. Being foldable it is very easy to store since it takes up less space. It is adjustable, so you can adjust it and choose between several different angles (6 in the upper back and 4 in the seat), depending on your preferences and the exercises you decide to do at any time.

The Flybird brand specializes in fitness equipment and therefore you will be guaranteed to have a robust and safe weight bench. Another interesting feature of the bench is the ability to adapt it to other bodybuilding equipment, such as squats or stockings.

Discover more and the price here

Marcy Utility Slant Board

It is a robust tilting bench, made of stainless steel that you can use for a complete routine at home, even with weights, since it supports up to 115 kg. and it is very stable and easy to assemble. 

It is a height-adjustable bench. You can choose between 4 inclination positions, changing the height of the foot supports that are also very comfortable and offer a lot of security.

It has an ergonomic design that will allow you to exercise safely, taking care of your back and neck. 

The folding system is strong, fast, and practical, making it easy to open and close. It can also be stored under the bed or an armchair because it does not take up much space. It is light to carry. 

Includes elastic bands that allow you to work very well arms and chest.

The padding is fluffy and comfortable, covered in leather, which makes it less hot than plastic and gives this equipment a lot of durability, comfort, and safety.

Discover more and the price here

Fitness Reality X-Class Abdominal Bench

This is another of the best AB benches on the market right now. It is a training bench that allows you to keep fit with constant exercise, without having to go to the gym. It has a sturdy steel frame that provides secure support and supports a load of up to 650 lbs.

Being adjustable, it allows you to perform different exercises for the abs, back, hips, and buttocks in an efficient and personalized way. The part with the leg supports is adjustable in height, allowing you to choose between four positions.

It stands out for its modern design and attention to every detail. The padded surface and the soft foam rollers are designed to promote a workout in maximum comfort.

It is a folding bench, so you can store it anywhere in the house, even under the bed.

Installation is quick and easy and in the packaging, in addition to the bench, all assembly accessories are contained.

Discover more and the price here

Fitness Reality 1000 Super Max Weight Bench

The Fitness Reality abdominal bench is a classic gym product, which you can easily use at home. With excellent materials and adjustment capabilities, it is a canonical reclining bench, which will give its best if used in combos with tools such as dumbbells and barbells, to allow an almost complete workout.

This multifunction home training bench is suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes. The structure of the bench is stable because it is made of tubular steel, to support a maximum load of 800 lbs.

The result is a rather versatile bench, useful for doing different types of exercises (not just the classic abdominals). The padding ensures good comfort of use during training.

You can fold it up easily, and store it in a closet or a corner of your home since it takes up little space when folded.

Discover more and the price here

sportplus Foldable Fitness Trainer

This multifunctional machine, which combines yoga and gymnastics, allows you to train intensely in a relaxed and safe way. It is equipped with padding for the hands and knees.

Based on your specific training needs, you can choose from four difficulty levels, which can be changed quickly using the locking pin. In this way, almost all muscle groups are trained with a single combined action: abdomen, legs, arms, back, and buttocks. Cardiac exercise is accompanied by toning, for a targeted and healthy exercise.

The device is ideal for those who want to have well-sculpted abs. It allows you to practice specific very effective exercises which, if repeated constantly, quickly lead to a satisfactory result. The training computer with LCD offers multiple functions such as repetitions/minute, time display, and calorie counter.

Discover more and the price here

Sportstech BRT200 abdominal and backbench

This innovative bench is a real all-rounder for the back. Whether it’s hyperextensions, crunches, or lateral bends of the upper body – this training device offers various options for the specific and complete development of the abdominal muscles, the back, and the buttocks.

Stainless steel handles ensure secure support during each training session. This effect is reinforced by sweat-resistant rubber. They serve as a reliable aid during training for both the abdominal exercises and the back extender. This makes it the ideal tool for both beginners and advanced users.

Discover more and the price here

Sportstech BT300 Professional Abdominal Trainer

It has adjustable knee support: a rotating platform to train the front and side abdominal muscles during the exercises. It offers more than 25 levels of weight adjustment for different degrees of intensity, thanks to two safety pins, to adjust it to measure and slowly increase performance.

In addition to targeted muscle training, the bench allows a complete workout to strengthen the shoulders, torso, and arms. Thanks to the integrated elastic band system, the whole torso can be effectively trained with just one tool. The double S-rail system allows you to increase the resistance level.

The bench also has an intelligent closing system, which allows you to store it in a few moves even in very small spaces.

Discover more and the price here

That’s all for now, friends. These are some of the best abdominal workout benches on the market right now. We also invite you to browse our fitness section to discover other essential home exercise tools.

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