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The best free song lyrics apps for Android

Best song lyrics apps for Android to learn and sing along

Sometimes you are listening to a song and want to know what it says. These are the best song lyrics apps for Android that you can try for free.

The world of music is very extensive, and knowing each of the letters is an impossible task. So, if you’re one of those who inspire singing songs, there are a number of song lyrics apps that allow you to follow the lyrics of the songs as they go, so you do not lose yourself at any time and let yourself be carried away by the music. Spotify is the application par excellence to listen to streaming music and, therefore, there are also apps that integrate directly with this service. Here are some best song lyrics applications for Android that allow you to follow the lyrics of your songs on Spotify or directly from the Android music player. Let’s see them.

The top 8 best song lyrics apps for Android phones and tablet

Are you a music lover? Do you love to follow the lyrics of the song you’re listening to? Do you use music to learn a language? Then this post interests you. We bring you what we consider the best Android apps to find the lyrics of your favorite songs and sing them out loud. And become the king of karaoke.


This is one of the most complete song lyrics apps for Android to access the lyrics of the songs you are listening to. It allows you to play the music that you have stored on the device and it will automatically show you the lyrics as the songs progress. In addition, you also have an option to identify the song that is playing and show you the verse that is playing at that moment.

In addition, it will also identify songs that are playing in other applications such as Spotify or Play Music and will offer you the option to show your lyrics in a floating window. Musixmatch is perfectly adapted to Material Design and its visual aspect is magnificent, as well as being compatible with Chromecast. Without a doubt, one of the best options.


A classic of the musical applications could not miss in this appointment. In addition to identifying the song that sounds, it also offers to follow your lyrics in real-time. In case the piece you are looking for is not in your database, Soundhound will perform a search on Google and will offer you the results, something better than the simple “match not found” option  other similar applications. Like Musixmatch, the application will identify the point where you started the song and allow you to follow its lyrics from there.


This is another of the best song lyrics apps for Android users. Hard to talk about music apps and not remember Shazam soon. The tool has become known worldwide as one of the best song identifier apps. The idea is simple and successful. Simply zoom in on the phone, with Shazam on, from the speaker or other sources where you’re listening to music. And he already identifies. But the app goes further and also allows the user to explore various information about the songs: singer or band, videos and, as you could not miss, the lyrics.

Shazam still partners with Apple Music and Spotify, allowing the user to add the search music to their playlist on the platform they want. If you prefer, you can still navigate the app and learn about new songs, filtering them by styles, most played, interpreters, etc.


I do not think you need to introduce Genius to anyone in the 21st century. We are talking about what is probably the most important web of lyrics in the world. A place where the artists themselves will interact with the users and comment on what their lyrics are. And its Android application carries all the virtues, and more, of this website. The database has its greatest potential, not only having the lyrics of the music but also the different annotations about the of each specific topic.

If you want to access the song that you are listening to, you will only have to give the button available for Genius to detect it through the loudspeaker, . After that, you will go to the Genius database where you can see the lyrics or enjoy the annotations.

Lyrics Mania

This is another of the best song lyrics apps for Android users. This application is a very complete option since it recognizes your local music files quickly and you can access them in a simple way. The interface follows this direct line where we have the content at hand. In addition, it has dedicated support for Spotify so it will be a good complement to the music streaming app. Lyrics Mania has a ranking where you can see which lyrics are the most searched, as well as being able to access them quickly.

Another curious addition is the fact that you can export some verse of the melodies as if it were a postcard. The problem that we have found is that the recognition based on external sound is not entirely accurate. In spite of this, the app updates quite regularly so that in the near future we may have to retract our words. Hopefully, it will be like that.


Also, with this karaoke application, as is logical, we will be able to see on screen, the lyrics of the songs that we choose to listen to. It is very attractive and entertaining to use this type of apps to see the lyrics of the songs, but we must point out that these are much more limited applications in that field. Although we had selected Redkaraoke to compare their potential in this regard with the other song lyrics apps, the truth is that they cannot be compared.

The file of letters of one and the other is not comparable and, on the other hand, in this particular app, the free option hardly offers us the lyrics of 10 songs. To go further, we must pay the fee for the pro version.

QuickLyric Song Lyrics

This is another of the best song lyrics apps for Android users. It identifies the song that is playing on your terminal and shows you its lyrics. QuickLyric is simple but very functional and perfectly adapted to Material Design. Just give the refresh button to show you the verses of the music you’re listening to. In addition, QuickLyric allows you to save the letters on your phone to consult them at any other time.

Translate Lyrics Songs

Finally, we are going to see a very interesting application like Translate Lyrics since it is not only about reading the lyrics but about understanding them. With this application, you can see the lyrics of the songs, but it is also that, when you place the cursor over a word, it will automatically translate it, and this will help you understand the meaning of your favorite songs, and why not, learn a little of English (or Chinese, it depends on your tastes).

As a conclusion to this review, we can say that applications like Musixmatch or Genius have a huge potential in terms of offering lyrics. Without going any further, they have millions of them in their files, and it is also the users themselves who can correct possible errors or add others that detect that they are not in the library of those apps.

With this wide selection of the best song lyrics apps for Android users, you have no excuse to not know the lyrics of your favorite songs and go to concerts or festivals with the “lesson” well learned. Which of them will you download to your mobile?

That’s all for now, friends. Thank you.

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