Best multi tool survival folding shovel (review) that could save your life

What is the best multi tool survival folding shovel? Let’s read our top folding shovel review to know the quality options in the market.

At the time of camping, there are many elements that can make life easier for us. Has not it ever happened to you that you need to make a hole to place your store and you cannot? Now, using the best folding shovel you can perform this task and much more, even use it as a self-defense tool too. Although yes, some companies in the market make quite weak and very heavy shovels. But calm, those that we will recommend today in our comparative list have excellent quality and great convenience. Do not miss it.

Also, read our other guides on the best Swiss Army knives, folding pocket knives, and tactical survival pens.

The best multi-tool survival folding shovels review

Outside the home, or outside the city, things can get quite uphill. To lighten this situation, having a good shovel on hand can make life a little easier. Therefore, it is important to buy the most appropriate option, which can be versatile enough.

Keep in mind that in these products, materials play a key role, especially when you dig, or do survival work. It is important that you also consider the shape of the shovel. You will find square or round models ideal for hiking, camping, and survival.

Iunio Military Portable Folding Shovel

One blade, 17 different types of functions! Can you believe it? Well, it can be used as a camping shovel, such as a hoe, knife, saw, tool for cutting ropes, scuba, magnesium bar for fire, compass, hammer, screwdriver and more.

It is foldable and small, but as a long wizard for a better posture. It is made of stainless steel and aluminum alloy. Light and ergonomic, it is easy to dismantle. Excellent for breaking glass, wood, rope or for self-defense.

Discover more and the price here

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SOG Entrenching Tool F08-N

If you want a compact folding shovel, but at the same time give you a lot of resistance, then this will be a great success. It has a tactical design based on a matt black color. It has, in turn, a side saw that benefits in many situations. You can rotate the blade 90 degrees to reveal a pick or use it as a hoe with the shovel blade. Rotate the blade a full 180 degrees to use the pointed end of the pick in a straightforward manner. It is light and an excellent bet for outdoor activities, survival, climbing, etc., even in winter. Also, includes a nylon carrying case w/ gear loops.

Discover more and the price here

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edealing Multifunction Folding Military Shovel

Unlike many models, it is adjustable and replaceable. It is even possible to adjust the angle of the blade with its special screw locking device, which facilitates alternating functions and positions. It can be used at an angle of 40 °, 90 ° or 180 °, such as hook, hoe or shovel. All with high-quality material and a comprehensive one year warranty that adds confidence and credibility to the product. In turn, it is portable.

Discover more and the price here

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Entrenching Multi Function Survival Shovel

If we talk about durability, this blade has high alloy steel, which makes it not only durable but firm, while preventing mold and oxidation. Resistant to high temperatures, safe and comfortable to use.

With an ergonomic and non-slip handle, for better grip, made of rubber and stainless steel. It has an emergency hammer, an extension bar, a whistle and the ability to use it as a saw and hoe.

Discover more and the price here

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Overmont Military Multi Army Purpose Tool

It is a complete and practical survival kit, because this blade enjoys an incredible variety of functions. With a special head, you can adjust the angle to cut, saw and dig. It is a good option for survival outdoors.

The shovel already comes with protection oil, so it is recommended to clean it a little with a clean and dry cloth before using it. Includes transport bag to take wherever you want.

Discover more and the price here

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What are the uses of a portable folding shovel?


With a durable and sharp shovel, you can dig in the dirt to find water, hide belongings, cover the dirt, clean the area, and many other things.

Ax, knife and saw

These units can be used to tear down trees and shoots to make firewood, clean the roads where you pass or build a suit of armor.

Wild survival

Its use in a situation of survival in the middle of nowhere is quite effective.

Self-defense and protection

The edge of these blades will allow you to defend yourself from a possible attacker, if you have run out of bullets or you have forgotten the weapons at home.

Mining and construction

Not only in the jungle can you use it, even in your home to carry out construction projects or make arrangements in your home.


Using a multifunction device, you can have all the basic gardening tools in a compact unit, and easy to load.

Vehicular emergency tool

You can always have it in your car, in case of an emergency, cleaning snow, ice or area, and you can even break the glass of a car if you must do an emergency rescue.

Temporary stool

In case you need to sit down for a moment, folding the spade will allow you to have a firm and temporary stool to sit on.

Kitchen platform

It can serve as a chuzo during camping to roast food thanks to the fact that some units are made of stainless steel.

Rowing and boat anchor

A compact and sturdy shovel can function as a paddle or anchor in a desperate situation.


You can also use it when you have to climb a mountain or top.

What characteristics to take into account when purchasing these products?

The construction material

Aluminum, although it is light to load, is usually less durable than stainless steel. In terms of performance, steel works better than other materials and is more suitable for heavy operations.

Type of saw

Depending on your need, you will find two types: round or square. The first option is ideal for ditches. And the second, it is recommended for light and simpler activities.


The convenience of this equipment is also given by its extra features such as the saw, bottle opener, hammering capacity, among others. Take a look at the model you want to acquire.

Easy to use

Choose a model with an adjustable handle to fit your size. Also, they should have a T or D type grip for a better grip and ease of use.


Acquire a model that when folded, is quite reduced, making it easy to transport and store in a handbag or luggage.

Extra features

Some companies add important functionalities like saw capacity or integration of multipurpose tools. This will give more value to your purchase.


The best shovel should be able to withstand temperatures, climates, and extreme natural conditions. In order to achieve this, it is important that you acquire robust equipment, which is made of carbon-treated steel.


Weight is a significant factor in any tactical toolkit. A good shovel should be light enough and easy to load, but also, heavy enough to do heavy work without complication.

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