6 best pens for lefties to buy | Left-handed pens to write

Pens for lefties or left-handed pens can be of great help in avoiding incorrect postures and inappropriate habits. Thus, it will be easier for posture aspects such as the back, hand, arm, and head to be more correct. 

Unlike right-handers, left-handers are forced to push the pen to be able to write, which does not give them time to wait for the ink to dry causing smudges on their hands. Right-handed people are used to taking the pen with the index finger in front of the thumb, closer to the tip of the pen to be able to handle it in a better way, ways that are difficult for us, not counting that the wrist should be slightly sideways and supported on one side. This situation has led some brands to take our needs into account and create ergonomic pens for lefties that adapt to our way of writing. 

These pens for lefties have a non-slip grip to prevent slipping of the pen, having the same quality and resistance in terms of structure and with a medium stroke and ultra-fast drying in terms of operation.

It is suggested that these pens be used from the first days of student life, thus promoting the use of writing and learning. Fortunately, there are more and more products that help us improve our quality of life.

Also, see the best keyboards and mice for left-handed people to work and play.

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The top 6 best pens for left-handed people

Without further ado, let’s see the best pens for lefties on the market. Hopefully, you will find the one (or more) that suits you best. Are you ready? Let’s start then.

Stabilo EASYoriganl Left-Handed

Stabilo EASYoriganl Left Handed

We are going to start with a pen that is suitable, especially for the smallest of the house. We have already talked about this pen before, but we are not going to stop including it in this list. This ergonomic pen is especially perfect for school children. It comes with two versions for right-handed and for lefties.

On the other hand, this Stabilo EasyBall pen is special for those who write for long periods. It fits perfectly in the hand and ensures fluid writing with minimal pressure. Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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Pelikan Pelikano

Pelikan Pelikano best pens for lefties

This is another of the best pens for lefties to buy. Well, the gentlemen of Pelikan must be very proud to call this pen the “Pelikan”, and the truth is that they are not going wrong. It is a pen with a comfortable shape. Despite its thickness, it has Interchangeable gel ink cartridges, which guarantee fluid writing, despite its school shape, we must not be fooled as it is an exceptional ally for day-to-day work at the office. Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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Maped Visio Pens for Lefties

Maped Visio Left Handed Pens

If, finally, someone cares to see what lefties write, in this case, the manufacturer Maped is committed to a sophisticated, but promising design, that is, only until you try it. It is a pen focused exclusively on left-handed people, which has the particularity of having a crooked tip, in such a way that it allows us to see what we are writing without being covered by the pen itself. 

Well, after testing it I can say that it is more promising than efficient, because, for those of us who are used to writing with normal pens, the feeling is quite strange. Of course, it’s a matter of getting used to, My advice, give Visio a try! Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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Pelikan Twist

Pelikan Twist

This is another of the best pens for lefties on the market. Both right-handed and left-handed people can use this ergonomic pen for long periods without any problem.

How have they achieved this? Well, pulling an ingenious resource, a twist on the vertical axis of the pen, what do we get with that? Well, depending on how the pen is held, it adopts different ergonomics. In my opinion, the concept is quite successful and it is relatively comfortable. Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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Stabilo Smartball

Stabilo Smartball pens for lefties

It might seem that this section has been sponsored by Stabilo, and nothing is further from the truth, but when someone does a good job, we should at least acknowledge it. We have already talked about the ergonomic delicacy of the Stabilo, because this Smartball is no less, to all that they have incorporated a pointer for the screens of our digital terminals, smartphones, and tablets so that we have no excuse when it comes to releasing the pen. 

If you are thinking of buying a smartpen, in addition to a ballpoint pen, then consider this two-in-one option. Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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BiC Cristal

BiC Cristal Original pens for lefties

This is another of the best pens for lefties to buy. This is my recommendation, despite not being a pen explicitly intended for left-handed people, it is one with which I feel most comfortable writing, perhaps because I have used it since childhood, but it must be said that it is one of the most effective, and it’s also cheap, so I don’t have to worry about whether it gets lost or not. Do you want a classic? Well, go ahead with the BIC Cristal! Want to know more and read user reviews? Just follow the link below.

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Do you already have it clear?

At this point, you may already know exactly which model of pens for lefties you are going to buy. However, you still don’t know where to buy, and I am going to recommend doing it directly on the Amazon platform, because that way you will have the best comfort and the lowest prices guaranteed.

In any case, if you still have not made a purchase decision, I invite you to see the opinions of other users about it. Thus, making a decision will be much easier, and you will do it correctly, based on the experience of other users about the markers.

Please do share this article with your friends and on social networks. This way, they too can buy the best pens for lefties without having to go anywhere else.

And don’t forget to share your opinions with us. You can use the comment section below. Thank you.