The best fake GPS location apps for Android

You can play Pokémon GO on your Android without leaving home thanks to Fake GPS location apps. But beware, it has its risks!

Pokémon GO is an application that detects our location using the GPS of the mobile, therefore many users have asked themselves: is it possible to trick it to be able to “be” anywhere in the world? The answer is yes. In Android, in a completely legal way, we can distort our GPS position, and thus reach inaccessible or too distant places, or simply continue playing without moving from home due to illness, injury, or simple laziness. You just need to download and install a fake GPS location app for Pokemon Go on Android.

Eye! If we change a lot of countries and locations, it is possible that Niantic will expel us from the game. Therefore, do this Pokemon Go trick with caution and under your own responsibility.

Why do you need to change your position on Pokémon GO?

As you all know, the key to the Pokémon GO map is that it is based on the location of the player thanks to the GPS of the mobile device. In this way, the title invites its users to go out to play. However, there are days of bad weather or you simply do not want to walk the streets just to capture Pokémon, so many players wonder if it is possible to fake their location to place it on the street without leaving home.

The answer is yes and you do not need to have root access to your Android terminal. You can simply install applications available on the Google Play Store and use them. but very carefully, because if we abuse the tricks, it is possible that Niantic can expel us from ‘Pokémon GO’. So we recommend using the following trick with additional precaution and under your own responsibility.

Download the Fake GPS Location app on your smartphone

As we already said, the first thing you need to do is download a good GPS fake location app. We already have made a selection of the best Android Fake GPAS Location apps. You also need to download the Touch VPN — Unlimited Proxy app.

How does it work? – Android installation

To help you do this Pokemon Go trick well, we use Fake GPS location and Proxy VPN unlimited and free apps.

When you have installed them you have to enable the developer options (Settings -> Development options), and in search of the option Simulated locations and activate it. Go to Settings -> Location and check that GPS is set to Device Only Mode, and activate Location History.

Once you have installed these two applications, you will have to enable the developer options, which you can do by going to Settings> Development options. Here you will have to look for the option Simulated Locations which you will have to activate. Then, in the same Android settings, you must go to Location and verify that the GPS has been configured in Device Only Mode and also activate the location history.

Once this is done, open the unlimited and free VPN Proxy app and choose the country you want to connect to although we recommend settling for a country and not changing it as a precaution of not being detected. This application simulates that our Internet connection belongs to a country, which is a measure of checking the application, since it has to match our GPS position.

Once you have chosen a country, go to Fake GPS Location, and go anywhere in that country so that your Android device simulates being in that position after pressing the Set Location button.

After doing this, go back to settings and deactivate the developer options. After doing that we will have established an initial position, and when entering Pokémon GO we will leave it to explore the different gyms and other items of that place. If we want to change places, we will have to repeat the process.

Can you cheat in Pokémon Go?

Pokemon Go cheats are not fair to anyone and take all the pleasure out of the game. So we strongly recommend against using them. There are also some methods that you may not consider cheating at first, but are prohibited by Niantic.

Can you get caught faking Pokémon Go?

It is caused by using GPS spoofing apps, playing too much, traveling too fast, or any other suspicious activity. In a shadow ban, you wouldn’t be able to catch any rare Pokémon. A phishing app or any other third-party tool accessing Pokemon Go usually results in a hidden ban.


By following this simple and easy solution, we are confident that you will be able to resolve the location detection error in Pokemon Go. Have you already tried any Fake GPS location app to play Pokemon Go? However, if you have a device with Android 7.1 Nougat, then this guide is not for you. Android 7.1 Nougat has received a security update that practically prevents all available Fake GPS apps from working for the game.

That’s all for now, friends. Tell us about your experience with them. And, please do share this article with your social friends. Thank you.

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