Best news app for Android to read the news

What is the best news app for Android? Here’s our selection of the best free Android applications of newspapers, magazines and blogs to keep up with everything.

The Internet has changed the way we watch the news. Instead of having a TV producer or a newspaper editor to determine the most important things for us and then buy your product, now we are free to travel the waves of the Web to find the news that matters most to us. There are a lot of sites out there that deliver the news and keeping track of all of them can be difficult to do. In this list, we’ll talk about the best news applications for Android to help you stay organized, stay informed and find the news you want. We want to avoid promoting a specific news medium. Therefore, most of these news applications allow you to search several places at once.

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These are some of the best free Android news apps to stay updated

Do you want to be informed of the current situation? Are you interested in economics, culture, politics or technology and want to be the first to find out? Do you go through the paper and take your tablet or Smartphone to read the latest events in the bathroom? This entry is for you! Today we bring you the news app that you cannot miss.


Feedly is one of the most popular news applications that exist. It is an RSS reader. That means you can get from a variety of sites and sources. The goal is to build your own news network from places you trust. It comes with the integration of Facebook, IFTTT, Twitter, Evernote, OneNote, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and others. In addition, you can access your feed on your mobile phone or on your computer with your website. It is a solid option like a rock. The application and the service are completely free as well.

Also, read our selection of the best productivity apps for Android tablet and phone.


Flipboard is another of the most popular news applications. It works a lot like Feedly. You can create a personalized feed with your favorite news sources, sites and other places. Flipboard differs from Feedly by being a bit more eye-catching. It includes fun animations, large images and a user interface that gives the appearance of a digital magazine. Flipboard also has additional features for things like discovery. It is a very good application. You can get it and use it for free.

Google News

The Google application is an excellent source of news. The application gives you a decent feed. You can see things like weather, news articles related to your interests and other useful information. Google’s voice search is there, just like the Google Assistant. Among all those things, there is not much that this application can not do. The only drawback is that the application uses its search history to determine your interests. Therefore, if you are looking for something that really does not matter to you for some reason, the application will think you like it. It is repairable, but it can also be annoying. The application and all its services are free.


Pocket is one of the most exclusive news applications. It does not offer content. However, it will save any content that you trip over during your day. Undoubtedly, you will find something on Twitter or Facebook or in a chat that you can not read at this time. You can put that in Pocket and then go back to read it later. It has offline support, a decent reading experience and some discovery features as well. Advanced users can register for the subscription. It offers unlimited storage, a tag system to help you stay organized, reading text to speech articles and additional features for PC.

Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict is a good all-in-one solution for news applications. It is a combination of an RSS reader and a podcast application. It has a collection of 450,000 podcasts. In addition, you can subscribe to almost any news source you want. The application supports podcast playlists, categorically organized news feeds, Chromecast support and even support for YouTube and Twitch channels. There are better podcast applications and there are better RSS applications. However, nothing makes a combination of the two better than this.


Reddit advertises itself as the main Internet page. That is at least mostly true. Most fashion news ends up somewhere on Reddit. You can subscribe to subreddits that allow you to see various interests. You can find a subreddit for virtually anything from fashion to technology, Android to iOS, and everything in between. The official application is good enough in its work. It does not have many advanced user functions. However, it is very good for basic experience. The community can be a bit bland at times. However, in general, it is one of the best applications and news communities.

News Republic

The News Republic imagines itself as the cure for the infobesity. It is an added news application. You get news from more than 2,500 sources and it keeps growing. You tell the application the kind of things you like to read. The application then uses your sources to give you news that is not as tiring for your brain as many others. The application also includes current news, a daily summary to show you the most important news of the day and you can customize your experience on the fly. It takes a while to learn your tastes. However, it is one of the best news applications once it does. It is free to use or you can subscribe for $ 2.99 a year to remove ads.

Inoreader News App for Android

Inoreader is one of the new news applications. It works a lot like Feedly. You get a newsreader that you can customize to your liking. It includes 28 prefabricated themes for those who do not want to dig and find their own sources. The application has offline support, a decent selection of topics, and will keep track of what you read. It is not as deep as Feedly. However, it is a good alternative for those who do not want to do so much work configuring their diet. It’s completely free.


Twitter is possibly the best social media platform for news. It is one of the few platforms that still show publications in chronological order. Therefore, it will show you what is happening at this time. It has hashtags, trending topics and some other discovery features. Just follow the sources that you like. Your feed will show your latest publications. Some people there are really not great. It is also a privileged territory for harassment. However, those who can read between the lines can find the latest good things faster than in most other places.

SmartNews News App for Android

SmartNews is a perfect news reader for anyone who does not want to spend the 3G franchise loading pages of articles: you can save everything to read even without an internet connection. It brings several tabs of content and promises to deliver in one place the news that is rocking the web without you having to open multiple websites to view all the content.

When you open a story, SmartNews shows you two viewing options: “Web” and “Smart.” If you choose the first type, the article loads fully, with all the images and page details. “Smart” already has content in text, with only one image, but can be read offline – as long as you have downloaded the news using a WiFi connection.

These are some of the best news apps for Android that you can currently find on Google Play. With them, you can be aware of everything that happens and within reach of your hand from the smartphone. You will see that each one has great qualities and it is worth giving each one a chance.

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